Stories About Autism
Stories About Autism
Victoria Hatton - Autism Consultancy International

Victoria Hatton - Autism Consultancy International

I've been asked by so many listeners if I can interview a teacher who works with autistic children. Well this week I go one better and speak to Victoria Hatton, who's not only a teacher, but also has an autistic daughter too. Victoria shares so much valuable information, tips and ideas, looking at autism as both a teacher and a parent.

We get to talk about what inspired her to become a teacher, and the strategies she's developed along the way. We learn about her daughter's diagnosis, and how her special interests really helped her to thrive. Victoria also shares strategies that might help other children, how to go about getting extra support in school or an EHCP, and also what to do if school isn't working.
I loved our chat together, and sure you will too.

To find out more about Victoria and the work she does go to or to find the groups she mentions and her book go to

Stories About Autism
Stories About Autism
Welcome to the Stories About Autism podcast, hosted by James Hunt, the dad of two autistic boys. Each week he'll be joined by a special guest, who will be telling their own story about autism. James will be talking to autistic adults, parents and family members of children with autism, and professionals who work with autistic individuals. In doing so he hopes to create a greater understanding of autism and show just how different and unique everybody in the autism community's story is. This is the perfect podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about autism by listening to real life experiences. You can find more of our stories at