Stories About Autism
Stories About Autism
Walking With Drake - Jill Powell

Walking With Drake - Jill Powell

This week I get to talk to my first international guest, Jill Powell, all the way from South Carolina, USA

I've been friends with Jill for a few years now, after getting to know her through her blog Walking With Drake.
Jill is the mum of Drake, who is autistic, and it's their story she shares with me.

We talk about the early years, what led to Drake's diagnosis, and how things differ in America compared to the UK when it comes to services and therapies.

We also talk about ABA therapy, communication devices, and their autism service dog, Koda, and how much she has transformed Drake's life.

Jill talks very positively about autism, and is true to her feelings with all that she writes. I'm sure you'll love getting to know more about her and Drake

Useful Links:

Jill's blog:

Facebook page:


Stories About Autism
Stories About Autism
Welcome to the Stories About Autism podcast, hosted by James Hunt, the dad of two autistic boys. Each week he'll be joined by a special guest, who will be telling their own story about autism. James will be talking to autistic adults, parents and family members of children with autism, and professionals who work with autistic individuals. In doing so he hopes to create a greater understanding of autism and show just how different and unique everybody in the autism community's story is. This is the perfect podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about autism by listening to real life experiences. You can find more of our stories at